Ultra-high-definition focused and whole-body PET
Ultra-high-definition focused and whole-body PET
The Ultra-high-definition focused and whole-body PET (U-PET) system can perform quantitative 3D functional imaging of PET tracers down to 0.55 mm resolution. This unique and multi-patented system allows for both focused and whole-body imaging of rodents, both in static and dynamic PET mode. The U-PET system is the only one on the market capable of using prompt photons enabling positron-range-free imaging of PET isotopes such as 124I, 76Br, and 82Rb, as well as Simultaneous Multi-isotope PET imaging of co-injected PET tracers at < 0.75 mm resolution. Because of the innovative detector design, image noise has been reduced dramatically, and excellent image quality can be obtained even when injecting low activities.
VECTor: simultaneous PET-SPECT
The U-PET is at any time upgradeable with best-in-class SPECT to an integrated PET/SPECT system (“the VECTor platform”), allowing sub-mm imaging of PET and SPECT tracers separately or simultaneously with market leading spatial resolutions. The patented SPECT technology offers uniform resolution down to 120 µm ex vivo and 0.25 mm in vivo. The stationary detectors of the VECTor allow for extremely fast PET and SPECT imaging in both focused and whole-body modes. It is the only system that can provide PET and SPECT images of co-injected tracers, registered in space and time.
Sub-mm high energy theranostic imaging. VECTor is the only system in the market suitable for quantitative sub-mm imaging of higher energy radiotherapy and theranostic isotopes such as 131I, 188Re, 213Bi, 225Ac, 223Ra, and many others. This unique combination of advanced technologies earned MILabs the World Molecular Imaging Society Innovation of the Year award.