Ultra-high-definition CT
Adaptive diagnostic CT
The Ultra-high-definition CT (U-CT) system is high-speed (5 s total body mouse) and can scan with ultra-low X-ray radiation doses, down to less than 2 mGy whole-body. By default, both mice and rats can be imaged. Optionally, the system can be upgraded to image medium size animals, enabling whole-body rabbit imaging. Four performance levels ensure a system configuration that can be adapted to the user’s needs. These four performance levels are; Standard E-Class CTSD with reconstructed voxel resolution down to 30 μm, High-Resolution U-CTHR subsystem with reconstructed voxel resolution down to 10 μm, Ultra-High Resolution U-CTUHR subsystem with reconstructed voxel resolution down to 4 μm, and Extra-Ultra-High Resolution U-CTXUHR subsystem with reconstructed voxel resolution down to 2.4 μm using a dedicated ex vivo sample holder.
Optimized for in vivo imaging, the U-CT system features advanced diagnostic capabilities including dynamic contrast-enhanced CT imaging using single- or dual-energy scans, ultra-fast fluoroscopic imaging with up to 66 frames per second, DEXA scanning, virtual endoscopy, and cardiac and respiratory gating – sensor-free if desired for simultaneous multi-animal imaging.
Molecular CT upgrades
Available as a stand-alone diagnostic CT, the U-CT unit can also be fully integrated with MILabs’ PET, SPECT, and Optical imaging modules. The fusion of these molecular imaging techniques without loss of diagnostic CT capabilities expands applications beyond the reach of other hybrid molecular imaging systems.