Real Time Autoradiography System
Unique Versatility
The BeaQuant is the first autoradiograph to be simultaneously a beta particles imager and an alpha imager.
Our machine is polyvalent: our customers have the options of using the BeaQuant for either standard autoradiography or Quantitative Whole-Body Autoradiography (QWBA).
The BeaQuant-S is a dedicated real-time autoradiography system for small samples (standard or non standard microscope slides) compatible with any type of radioisotope.
Whether you are working in biology, geology or geochemistry, the BeaQuant-S will be able to detect, image and quantify any kind of radioisotope (beta and/or alpha emitter) no matter their level of radioactivity.
Gaseous detector with direct readout
- All radioisotopes markers acceptable
- Spatial: Alpha 20 µm – Beta 20 µm – High energy beta or beta plus 50 µm
Linearity over 5 orders of magnitude
Sensitivity: 0.0005 cpm/ mm2
The image direct represent the number of disintegrations